Jan 31Liked by Emily Curzon

I am gratefully remembering the sometimes unlikely friendships that the Lord brings our way. Two years ago my husband and I met an Afghan family who were brought to the US/Tulsa as refugees. During the last two years we’ve been privileged to do life with them. In spite of government bureaucracy, language barriers and cultural differences we have developed a beautiful friendship. Last week we celebrated the first birthday of their first son ( he has five sisters) with feasting, singing and dancing!

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It is SUCH a special friendship! I'm grateful it spills over into my life as well!

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Jan 27Liked by Emily Curzon

Thanks to you, I'm looking at the mundanities of my life through the lens of remembrance this week, and I'm thankful for that shift! So this week I'm remembering: Jack's intense love for orange on orange outfits; Elsie's delight in hanging out and chatting; Caroline's joy to help her siblings at every turn; CJ's big grins and intense cuddles; the sweet gift of Friday lunch dates with Kenny; the cozy comfort of a foggy week.

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I love this. God's goodness in the details of our lives that we often miss.

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Jan 25Liked by Emily Curzon

Way to write, Em! This was a lovely read in the middle of my own day of snacking children and project managing 😘 Thanks for sharing and helping us remember the beauty in these things!

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Thank you for this moving post. So much resonated - although I'm not sure I appreciated my boys so much when they were 5 years old! 😂 And I will confess to having those same eye masks, although I'm not so sure they do work!

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So grateful for your reading. I can't say the eye masks do the trick either, but A for effort, right!?

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Maybe there is something to be said for the placebo effect?!

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I've been struggling to think about what I want to remember from this month (pretty typical for me). Yesterday, we were at our (real) house and it was full of neighbors and kids running around. It was amazing. I was *reminded* of why we love that house and the cul-de-sac and our neighbors. I can't wait to be back.

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