We Have This Hope
We Have This Hope
What's Happening in 2024?!

What's Happening in 2024?!

(more remembering + telling)

I can't believe it's been over a year of We Have This Hope. Just typing those words (or saying them in a microphone) is stirring up memories of Emily circa 2021 day-dreaming and scheming, eventually planning and preparing. If you’ve been with me from the beginning, THANK YOU!

Today’s episode is simple. I’m sharing the vision for WHTH in 2024 and some exciting updates that I’ll be rolling out later this month. The bonus content is some small background clips of my kids yelling “Daaaaaaaad!” and my dog barking. Maybe treat it like a game of Where’s Waldo but in podcast form? You’re welcome for the professionalism.

If you’re reading this right now and want the updates right away, here’s the scoop:

  • We Have This Hope now lives on Substack - an awesome platform where you can subscribe for free to get the podcast as well as new written content from me. 

  • I’ll be posting content every week this year. The first interview of the year is launching on Wednesday, January 17th and my first monthly newsletter So I Won’t Forget comes out the following week.

  • You can also now support We Have This Hope by upgrading to a paid subscription on Substack. You’ll support the ongoing collection of stories and get access to Bible Studies and other content. 

  • Either way, be sure to subscribe on Substack to get each new episode or newsletter.

We have an incredible line-up of people remembering the work of God in their lives and I can’t wait to share their stories with you this year! 

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We Have This Hope
We Have This Hope
WHTH exists to equip others in the art of remembering God’s work in their lives and the practice of telling others about it.