We Have This Hope
We Have This Hope
The Gift of Mobilization with Chris Campbell of 111 Project

The Gift of Mobilization with Chris Campbell of 111 Project

A conversation about community, calling, and God's heart for families.

I’m delightfully calling this episode a crossover event. It is equal parts learning about the beautiful work of an organization in the child welfare sphere and equal parts the story of God’s good work in the life of one person.

The organization is 111 Project (also CarePortal) and the person is Chris Campbell.

Chris is a Tulsa native who recently traveled the world for a year with his family of 7. (You might know his wife, Ashley) He currently serves as the executive director of the 111 Project, an organization that connects local churches to the child welfare system in Oklahoma. There are currently over 6,000 children in the Oklahoma foster care system and over 6,200 churches here as well. Chris shares the origin story of 111 Project and their vision for the future. You also get a glimpse into Chris’s personal journey from playing guitar at FCA to good old-fashioned church work to running statewide initiatives. You’ll hear how he came to faith and how his resume reflects a career and life of following God on adventure.

After chatting with Chris (and then re-listening while I edited), I spent the remainder of the day feeling energized. For lack of a less cheesy expression, I felt like I could really make a difference, like I could take action and that action would matter on a scale bigger than myself. His unique gift of mobilizing people is woven throughout the entire episode and you’re about to be one of them.

If you are someone who is interested in learning more about practical ways to engage with the child welfare crisis, this is a great starting place for you. Also, if you are a person who needs to be reminded of the power of community and the work of God in our world, let Chris encourage you and maybe get you taking steps to join the movement.

Step one, listen. Step two, share this with a friend. Step three, does your church know about 111 Project?


We Have This Hope
We Have This Hope
WHTH exists to equip others in the art of remembering God’s work in their lives and the practice of telling others about it.