We Have This Hope
We Have This Hope
Never Abandoned with Kasey Rutherford

Never Abandoned with Kasey Rutherford

"If this was true, my life had to change..."

You know when you see someone all the time, bump into them often and think you'd like to be friends, but you don't really know their story? That is today's conversation for me.

Today I'm sharing my conversation with my new friend Kasey Rutherford, a fellow mom of 3 who lives down the street and sits near me at church. But most importantly, she's a woman whose life has been profoundly changed by Jesus.

Kasey shares about hearing the Gospel in college for the first time and God's good work in her that followed. Her story is about healing from patterns of family dysfunction and God rebuilding her life in seasons of singleness, marriage, and motherhood. Kasey is full of wisdom, the hard-earned really good kind, and I know you'll be encouraged as you listen!

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We Have This Hope
We Have This Hope
WHTH exists to equip others in the art of remembering God’s work in their lives and the practice of telling others about it.