We Have This Hope
We Have This Hope
Even If He Doesn't with Kristen LaValley

Even If He Doesn't with Kristen LaValley

Today’s episode is such a gift.  I’m sharing my conversation with author

—you may know her from some of her beautiful writing over the years on her blog, from Instagram, or even right here on Substack.

In this episode we talk about her upcoming book Even If He Doesn’t - What We Believe About God When Life Doesn’t Make Sense. Kristen shares about doubt and belief, hope and suffering, beauty and heartache all through the lens of her story. You’ll hear her mention some heavy topics—shame-based church culture, traumatic pregnancy, to name a few—with authenticity and resiliency, the kind that reminds us that God is with us right now and in all things.

Kristen lives in Massachusetts with her husband, Zach, and their five children. You can find her HERE with some high quality reels that are a mix of deep reflections and Taylor Swift references. Who doesn’t love that? Or make your way HERE to preorder her book that comes out February 20th. I’ve already read it and I couldn’t put it down. Truly, I wandered the house carrying it in my hand while I did my regular chores.

This story is for everyone, but maybe you have someone in your life that you think would really resonate with this episode? If so, would you take a minute to share with them now?

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And before you go, today is Ash Wednesday and the start of the season of Lent. Have you checked out any of the excellent resources available to us during this season? A great place to start is the book Sacred Seasons by Danielle Hitchen of Catechesis Books. If you’re new (or old) to the rhythms of the historic church calendar, this book offers simple and insightful explanations. It’s really the perfect blend of scriptural and historical context—with recipes and a pretty cover so basically you need it in your life.

I hope you’ll enjoy this week’s episode and live eyes-wide-open as you look for ways to remember & tell the work of God in your own life!


We Have This Hope
We Have This Hope
WHTH exists to equip others in the art of remembering God’s work in their lives and the practice of telling others about it.