We Have This Hope
We Have This Hope
5 Ways to Practice Remembering

5 Ways to Practice Remembering

or how to actually do the stuff I've been talking about all summer

I love this work—thinking deeply about what God is doing in the world and how we respond to that. But also the rubber has to meet the road occasionally. The things we analyze and inwardly process have to influence the habits of our daily lives otherwise what an incredible waste of resources.

On the heels of studying some Old Testament Hebrew words and knowing I’m about to bring you more thinking-deeply pieces, I’m itchy for some practicality. So today is all about how you can actually practice remembering as a spiritual discipline, how you can take this Biblical concept and implement it into the rhythms of waking up to an alarm, unloading the dishwasher AGAIN, doing your real life work, and just generally trying to be a responsible and productive human. These are simply ideas or things I have put into practice myself, not an exhaustive list, so I welcome any fresh takes on ways to incorporate remembering into the stuff of our days. Truly, let me know in the comments if you are engaging in a spiritual practice that you feel like aligns with what we’re chatting about. I’ll add it to the list.

As always, thanks for listening and being part of We Have This Hope. Enjoy the show and tell a friend!

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Here are links to most of what I mention in today’s episode. Let me know if you have questions about a resource or just generally want to know more.

TGC Africa article

Every Moment Holy

Kayla Craig

Kate Bowler

The Hiding Place

Domestic Monastery

Discussion about this podcast

We Have This Hope
We Have This Hope
WHTH exists to equip others in the art of remembering God’s work in their lives and the practice of telling others about it.