We Have This Hope
We Have This Hope
The Year of the Tree

The Year of the Tree

Or happy tree-iversary as we'll now forever say on June 17th

Today’s story is one that I know well because it’s partly mine. I shared the experience with a lot people, others who also had storm damage, friends and family who walked through it with us, but no one knows the intricacies of the last year more than my brilliant husband Dustin. He’s joining me on the episode to tell the story.

One year ago the hundred year old oak tree in our backyard dropped a massive branch onto our house during a wild Oklahoma storm. I’ve lived through 38 tornado seasons in this state and had never personally experienced any damage. Even now I can’t technically say I experienced the moment of impact because we were traveling. What I did fully experience, however, was the aftermath of it—water damage, relocation, insurance claims, relocation, contractors, remodeling, relocation, so many spreadsheets—did I mention relocation? As I type this I can happily report I’m sitting in the office of my almost entirely remodeled home and, with a bit thicker skin, I can also say that this was ultimately nothing more than an incredible inconvenience.

But we did grow a lot from it.

We did see God move in ways that surprised us. We did experience community in a way that will hopefully impact the way we respond to others. We did question why this was happening and then walk away saying we’d do it all over again. So today we remember because we believe this story matters—if not for anyone but ourselves and our children and maybe our family and friends who stuck it out with us.

I’m biased, but I think this is also a fun episode, one that you’ll enjoy as you walk around the neighborhood or empty the dishwasher. Odds are you likely encouraged and supported us along the way this past year in a small or big way so this episode is also for you. It was a wild and wonderful year—may it bear fruit in us as we remember.


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We Have This Hope
We Have This Hope
WHTH exists to equip others in the art of remembering God’s work in their lives and the practice of telling others about it.