We Have This Hope
We Have This Hope
The Land of Unexpected Things with Lael Crabtree (Part 2)

The Land of Unexpected Things with Lael Crabtree (Part 2)

Part 2 is ready for you!

Last week I promised you the second half of my conversation with Lael Crabtree, a missionary living with her family in the busy of Papua New Guinea. It bears repeating that this story comes in two parts because we chatted for nearly three hours and I barely needed to edit. Please don’t miss out on the first episode because Lael does a beautiful job of giving context to their work—how they got there, what they do, and why they do it. You can listen right here.

Today’s episode makes space for her honest stories of what its like when the adrenaline wears off and the real work begins—when persecution is real and you wish you had a bit more medical training. Lael shares of God’s faithfulness, but let me say that with a few more words because often we skip over God’s faithfulness. Lael shares about God giving them exactly what they need at exactly the right time, God moving and equipping and providing in ways that could not have been orchestrated by human hands or mustered by human strength. Friends, these stories are the testimonies of the saints1—and they’re being delivered right to you headphones. Listen and let them do some good work in you.

I’m also asking you to pray for the church in Wantakia. Could you pause right now and ask God to move, delight, inspire, and be known among the people? Consider this your official nudge to do that.

Next week I’ll be sending out more details about what this summer looks like for We Have This Hope and I’m truly so excited. Thank you for reading/listening/commenting/subscribing/sharing/askingmeaboutit/sendingmefeedback/beingmyfriends/decipheringalltheserunonphrases/laughingalittlealongtheway!


Lael & Jack work for Ethnos360. Follow along via their IG account as well (@laelbcrabtree)

Want to see what it actually looks like in their village? reachWantakia on youtube has some drone footage as well as glimpses of the church gathered for literacy and Bible training.

Thank you for reading We Have This Hope. This post is public so feel free to share it.


We Have This Hope
We Have This Hope
WHTH exists to equip others in the art of remembering God’s work in their lives and the practice of telling others about it.